Welcome to the first post of the Appraisal This website blog. Appraise This is a just a simple URL/title to make it easy to find the website.
This is my first blog post as a Real Estate Appraiser. I might be a little late to the blog trend, and as a techy kinda guy, it was funny to me that I couldn't figure out how to publish posts. But, obviously, I figured it out.
“So here is my test blog post of a few sentences for my first blog. And thank the Lord for Grammarly for helping my spelling, grammar, and punctuation.”
I am a Real Estate Appraiser by trade, and now after 35 years, I have become an appraisal engine. What I mean by that is I can't stop using the appraisal skills in my everyday life to evaluate everything I see. Most people assume that an appraiser looks at a house and makes up a number to say the home is worth $. But they don't know that you use a system of thought to measure and evaluate the economy, the market, and the house features and conditions. I am constantly evaluating my life, family, my own home, products in a store, and even my pets. I guess assessing everything is the downside of this business. I hope to use this blog to educate people on the world of Real Estate Appraisals and help people gain more insights into the home buying process.