July 26, 2022

My First Blog Post

Welcome to the first post of the Appraisal This website blog. Appraise This is a just a simple URL/title to make it easy to find the website.

My First Blog Post

Welcome to the Myers Appraisal Blog

This is my first blog post as a Real Estate Appraiser. I might be a little late to the blog trend, and as a techy kinda guy, it was funny to me that I couldn't figure out how to publish posts. But, obviously, I figured it out.

“So here is my test blog post of a few sentences for my first blog. And thank the Lord for Grammarly for helping my spelling, grammar, and punctuation.”
computer, note pad, and coffee cup on a desk

The name of my website & blog is Appraise This

I am a Real Estate Appraiser by trade, and now after 35 years, I have become an appraisal engine. What I mean by that is I can't stop using the appraisal skills in my everyday life to evaluate everything I see. Most people assume that an appraiser looks at a house and makes up a number to say the home is worth $. But they don't know that you use a system of thought to measure and evaluate the economy, the market, and the house features and conditions. I am constantly evaluating my life, family, my own home, products in a store, and even my pets. I guess assessing everything is the downside of this business. I hope to use this blog to educate people on the world of Real Estate Appraisals and help people gain more insights into the home buying process.

Paul Myers

Paul Myers

Real Estate Appraiser

An Orange County Property Appraiser with 35+ years of experience serving Catalina Island, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties.